I’ve already spoken about what I learned throughout the week. In that post, I spoke of the theme of stereotypes and how you can make a difference in the lives of those who have eating disorders.
Here I’m going to share the best content from the week. It’s content I’ve found helpful, content that’s inspiring and practical that will help, that was made during that week, but will last the whole year.
eating disorders awareness week 2019 roundup

This blog includes links to resources about eating disorders that some readers may find distressing. Support is available via Beat 0808 801 0677 or the Samaritans 116 123.
Beat run the campaign behind EDAW and have shared so many inspirational stories and fundraising activities from around the country.
But eating disorders don’t last a week. That’s why you can find UK freephone helpline numbers, along with pages of advice and support about ED available all year round.
I’d also like to point out their downloadable resources, which give tips for managing eating disorders and guides for friends and family.
Hope Virgo
At the forefront of EDAW, Hope has shared so much inspirational and practical content on social media and around the web.
She created the petition #DumpTheSacles to realign how eating disorders are diagnosed, showing how people don’t need to be underweight to suffer from anorexia.
She tirelessly campaigns for those with eating disorders and produced so much content over the last week, valuable all year round.
She has also written a book ‘Stand Tall Little Girl‘ which I have never read, but from the reviews, it sounds like an amazing and inspirational journey worth a read.
According to BuzzSumo, the most shared article about EDAW2019 on social media is ‘Please don’t say ‘anorexic’ when you mean thin. My illness was more than my appearance’ by Georgia Scarr. I found it highlights exactly how although being thin is one visible symptom of anorexia, there are others, and it doesn’t always need to get to that stage before someone is diagnosed.
Teen Vogue
I found two articles here that tackled the issue of the stereotype, the theme of EDAW2019.
Eating Disorders Impact Everyone Regardless of Race, Class and Gender – by De Elizabeth
What to Know ABout LGBTQ People and Eating Disorders – Brittney McNamara
Both of these articles tackle eating disorders in the same way. They show the barriers to entry that the ‘stereotypical’ person with an eating disorder doesn’t have to go through to get treatment.
The classic young white girl suffering from anorexia is completely shattered by these articles and they are both worth a read. They bring a fresh perspective and a voice to those who may have not had one before.
Seed Eating Disorders
Based in Hull, this charity offers eating disorder support services. I found this one interview especially moving to me personally. Seed patron and actress Gemma Oaten talks about her own battle with anorexia and how she was denied treatment after a simple weight test.
The Eating Disorder’s Association of Ireland have published an answer to the question ”Why do we need awareness?’ I found this post to take a blunt style about highlighting the issues which aren’t spoken about. That is what we need, giving the facts and destroying the stereotypes.
My Blog
I shared some of my thoughts on eating disorders awareness week 2019 in this open blog and what stood out to me as someone approaching this week without lived experience.
There are so many inspiring posts found on Instagram. I didn’t post anything but I was looking at what everyone was posting. There were a lot of posts about how you can’t tell about eating disorders by looking at them, and how anyone can be affected.
Instagram is great for the visual content, so along with the quotes, there are all sorts of snaps of what people did over the last week.
See all the posts #EDAW2019.
There was a lot of content on Twitter, and content is still being #EDAW2019 because the conversation is still continuing. And that’s right. We need to be talking about eating disorders all year round, not just for that week.
Look at all the inspirational stories #EDAW2019.
So what’s this all for
This is to show the best bits of eating disorders awareness week. Although it was only for one week, these posts stand as a place to house the best content, to recognise people’s efforts and to get you through your eating disorder.
Eating disorders are not something that only lasts for a week. That’s why we’ll be speaking about eating disorders more on this site. Instead of just focusing on things I’ve experienced, we’re going to be discussing all eating disorders.
So thank you, to everyone who is advocating and supporting eating disorders awareness week, and mental health. Your work helps beat stereotypes.
Until next year it’s been a pleasure getting involved in EDAW and reading some of the amazing stories that have been shared.
By Jake Symons
Jake Symons is an entrepreneur and passionate mental health advocate determined to share his story to help others. Alongside writing on this blog he hosts Mental Monday: Mental Health Live a biweekly intimate and unscripted conversation about mental health.